Live Efficient: Ways to save energy at home in the winter
There are ways to reduce your energy use even in mid-winter. Adopting these habits can make your home more energy efficient. 1. Light up for less: Energy-efficient LED lights can help brighten up your home, while saving you money and energy. 2. Build your energy savings plan: You can take control of your energy use […]
Five things to know about lowering your heating bill
In the middle of winter, it’s tempting to simply crank up the thermostat to stay warm. But turning up the heat will cause your heating bill to skyrocket — which is a problem when you’re trying to save money. The U.S. Department of Energy offers these tips for staying comfortable without racking up huge energy bills: […]
Save Energy: Home Energy Efficiency Checklist
The cost of electricity is forecast to rise in 2020, which, combined with concerns about climate change is spurring more homeowners to examine how they can save energy at home. Are you concerned about energy costs? Is the temperature of your home not as comfortable as you’d like? The following home energy checklist suggests steps […]
Solved! How Often to Change a Furnace Filter
Q: I turned on my furnace for the first time this year, and it made the whole house smell musty. I checked the filter and found it caked with dust, so I replaced it with a new filter, and the indoor air is much fresher now. Are there any guidelines for how often a furnace […]